Thursday, September 11, 2008

Blog #3

The author makes a strong case for knowing the rules of grammar, but some people do not think that this knowledge is very important. They believe that you can write well without knowing these rules. What do you think?

I am somewhat torn about my opinion. To be able to write with clarity and get the message across to the reader is the goal of a writer. As stated in the text, good grammar, precise word usage and correct spelling are all elements involved with writing with clarity. I believe to be a strong writer you need to know the rules of grammar and how to use them. Of course knowing the rules is just one part of writing. Another part in writing is getting the message your writing about across to the reader. I do believe that without being strong in the aspect of the rules of grammar, you are still able to get the message you want across.

“Writers need to have an interest in the language and how it is used. But that interest should be secondary to the more important goal of using language so that it will convey the information and ideas that a writer must convey.”(Chapter 2 of Writing for the Mass media by James Glen Stovall) I feel that being able to get the message across and be weaker when it comes to grammar is possible.

Some people thinking that knowledge is not very important is shocking to me. I do not understand how someone could feel that way. Without the wisdom of knowledge, how would you expand throughout your life? How would you gain opportunities and learn about yourself as a person. Knowledge connects you with the world just as journalists do. It all goes hand in hand.

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